Basement Waterproofing System
High quality brand name basement waterproofing products go into every job … No Generic Items! Designed by Beaver Basement Water Control Systems producing dry basements since 1965.
The Level 2 system is a simple step up in quality and engineering from the Level 1 system. The Level 2 system has a supporting back wall and comes in 4′ 6″ sections which require fewer seams and should reduce installation time.
The Level 2 system has a hollow interior, the same as the Level 1 system, but the biggest difference the Level 2 system has to offer is a hinge, which allows access to the interior of the system for ease of access. The hinge also acts as a shock absorber should the kids or washing machine ever come in contact with the system.
If you have a wet basement or are wondering how to fix a basement water problem chances are you need to relieve hydrostatic pressure along your basement walls. Most basement water problems are caused by water collecting around the foundation creating hydrostatic pressure.
The pressure forces water through the joint where the wall and floor meet, and even through cracks and pores in the concrete walls. Now you can dry up your wet basement with our easy to use basement waterproofing products.
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How the Beaver System Works …

Most wet basement problems are caused by water collecting around the foundation, creating hydrostatic pressure. The pressure forces water through the joint where the wall and floor meet, and even through cracks and pores in the concrete block wall. The Beaver System solves the problem by doing what paints, plugs and crack sealers can’t do; it collects the water and quietly drains it away to your sump-pump or floor drain.
Hydrostatic Pressure is relieved by drilling holes in the concrete block cavities at floor level. The Beaver baseboard level one is a hollow baseboard channel that is installed along the perimeter of the basement walls. The system is bonded to the floor using our technologically advanced waterproof Beaver Seal adhesive. When water collects around the foundation it seeps in from the weep holes in the blocks and from the seam where the wall and floor join. Then the water is collected and channeled using the hollow backed baseboard and is directed to your sump-pump or floor drain.
Introducing a new way to fix wet basements at a fraction of the price.
The Beaver waterproofing system offers homeowners quality construction, superior performance, and the opportunity to turn their wet basements into additional living space, at just a fraction of the cost of ordinary contractor installed drain-tile systems. The Beaver basement waterproofing system makes sense!
The Beaver basement water control systems will solve your water problems by doing what paints, plugs and crack sealers can’t do; it collects the water and channels it to your sump-pump or floor drain. EASY Do-It-Yourself Installation of a Proven System!
The Beaver Basement Water Control System is the dependable and affordable way to dry up your basement. Our systems have 47 years of proven performance and more than 15 million feet still in use!
Poured wall basements …
Poured-wall basements have cracks from the upper part of the wall extending down to the floor. These cracks seep water and relieve water pressure around the basement.
Simply clean the surface in and around any cracks that may exist on the basement walls. Cleaning the surface properly will require the use of a 3M metal paint stripper-wheel with your electric drill as shown in the installation guide. Once the surface is prepared seal all vertical cracks except for the lower 3 to 4 inches of the crack with the Beaver waterproof adhesive which is included in your kit.
Extra tubes may be required depending on how large and number of cracks that exist. The lower 3 to 4 inches of the crack must be kept open to relieve hydrostatic pressure and allow water into the system. The Beaver System will collect water seepage from the vertical wall cracks and from the joint where floor and wall meet. Once the water is safely collected in the system it will naturally flow to your floor drain or sump-pump.
Block wall basements …
The Beaver System is just as effective in block wall basements as it is in those with solid poured walls. In a block wall application weep holes will need to be drilled into each block to relieve the hydrostatic pressure. Once weep holes are drilled it allows air to circulate within the block cavities and helps to keep them dry, which will eliminate upper wall moisture.
The Beaver System will collect water seepage from the weep holes drilled in the lower blocks. Once the water is safely collected in the system it will naturally flow to your floor drain or sump-pump.

Finishing with paint or paneling …
It’s easy to paint or panel a basement fitted with the Beaver System. The Beaver baseboard can be painted the day after installation with any good quality oil or latex paint.
Before paneling, fasten a vapor barrier of plastic film at the top of the wall and allow it to extend all the way to the floor. Cut it off at floor level and tuck it behind the baseboard. Nail furring strips over the plastic film. The plastic barrier will collect any water that penetrates the upper wall and guide it into the Beaver baseboard.
Paneling the basement walls for a recreation room or extra bedroom can be accomplished with 2″ x 2″ furring strips, sheetrock or paneling and normal installation procedures. But, the traditional “floorpplated furring strip” is fastened horizontally to the wall just above the baseboard. Sheetrock or paneling is then installed over the furring strips. A trim board can be added to enclose the system.

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I couldn’t believe how easy your basement waterproofing system was to install! I didn’t think I’d be able to do it myself, but it really is simple and easy!
I have to admit that I was skeptical at first that any DIY product could actually stop the amount of water my basement was taking on, but your basement waterproofing kit has dried up my basement and continues to do so month after month!
Great customer service! You guys answered every question I had to make an informed decision and in doing so made the installation that much easier.
I was curious how well your basement waterproofing kit was going to work and then we got hit by a serious of rain storms which usually creates puddles of water in our basement… and I am pleased to say that your system WORKS! Our basement stayed completely dry and I have tremendous faith that your kit will keep it that way.
You’re customer service truly reflects 37 years of quality service. You certainly do it right! Thank you for a great experience, I couldn’t be happier with the results of installing your waterproofing system.
I love your product! Finally my basement is dry and it’s gonna stay that way! I was wondering how well it was going to work until I found out after we got hit with back to back hard rain storms. I can’t believe my basement stayed bone dry! I’m so excited! Now I can finally finish off my basement and put it to good use!
Your basement waterproofing kit was so easy to install it almost makes it too hard to believe, but the basement has been tested time and time again with hard rains and it continue to stay dry! Thank you for making such a high quality product at such an affordable price.
Great product! I was very impressed with the quality of the product and the ease of installation after after being installed for 3 months now it is an absolute relief to know that my basement is most certainly going to stay dry now.
My basement kept taking on water and it had to be stopped! I thought it was going to cost me a fortune to have a company come it and take care of it. You guys saved me a ton of money, Thanks!
FINALLY I CAN FINISH MY BASEMENT! I’m so glad I found you guys and even happier that you offer a high quality product with easy installation instructions. My entire basement is now dry. Thank you!
I couldn’t afford to have professionals come in and take care of my wet basement, but you guys make these do-it-yourself basement waterproofing kits so affordable and easy to install I now wonder why anybody puts up with a wet basement.
I just installed your Level 2 basement waterproofing system and I wanted to thank you for making that so easy!
I am extremely pleased with your product! After installing your basement waterproofing kit, our basement has stayed comletely dry through the worst storms and now I wish I would have installed it years ago.
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