Beaver L1 End Cap
End Cap
Level 1 Beaver Basement Waterproofing System
Material Make-Up:
Made with Beaver PVC. Beaver PVC really is a MIRACLE material!
It will never rot, cup, split, twist, or warp. It is impervious to moisture, salt, and insects. It’s also suitable for ground or masonry contact. Intended for use in non-stress and non-loadbearing applications. Its basic properties are chemical inertness, corrosion and ether resistance, high strength to weight ratio, electrical and thermal insulators. The service temperature is 140°F. Beaver PVC has been used successfully since 1965 in drying up wet basements nationwide.
About the DIY Level 1 | Basement Waterproofing System
To order your customized Level 1 DIY Kit please use our Project Calculator to customize your kit and determine the number of units for each product that you will need.
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High quality brand name basement waterproofing products go into every job … No Generic Items! Designed by Beaver Basement Water Control Systems producing dry basements since 1965.
If you have a wet basement or are wondering how to fix the basement waterproofing, chances are that you need to relieve hydrostatic pressure along your basement walls. Most wet basement problems are caused by water collecting around the foundation, creating hydrostatic pressure. The pressure forces water through the joint where the wall and floor meet, and even through cracks and pores in the concrete block walls. Now you can dry up your wet basement with our easy to use basement waterproofing products.
Beaver Baseboard Basement Waterproofing System
Introducing a new way to fix wet basements with waterproofing. The Beaver wet basement solution solves the waterproofing problem by doing what paints, plugs and sealers can’t do; it collects the water and quietly drains it away to your sump-pump.
EASY Do-It-Yourself Installation of a Proven System that will DRY UP Your Basement! Beaver Baseboard Basement Waterproofing System will dry up your basement! The Beaver Basement Water Control System is the dependable and affordable way to dry up wet basements. More than 37 years of proven performance, with more than 11 million feet now in use. And the original installations are still operating perfectly!
The Beaver waterproofing system offers homeowners quality construction, superior performance, and the opportunity to turn their wet basements into additional living space, at just a fraction of the cost of ordinary contractor installed drain-tile systems. The Beaver’s basement waterproofing system makes sense!
Border Patrol Basement Waterproofing System Easy Installation Plan:
Click here to go go the Level 1 Installation Guide and Video
- Relieve Hydrostatic pressure
- Prepare and clean surface
- Place pre-mitered corner sections
- Cut and Fit Baseboard Section
- Lay Out Baseboard
- Apply adhesive
- Caulk Floor Joint
- Prep Connecting Surfaces
- Install connectors
- Seal connectors
- Seal Corner Joints
- Install End Cap
- Drain to Floor Drain or via pipe or hose to drain, or sump pump
- Panel Walls and enjoy
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